據 哈芬登郵報報導,這個僅約兩周大的女嬰被獨自拋棄在橋下,面臨死亡邊緣,被一隻混種狗先發現,立即發揮母性,陪伴她多日,直到飼主心急的發動尋狗,才發現 自己的寵物成了大愛狗保母;眾人找到母狗時,牠還齜牙咧嘴,想要保護嬰兒,不讓她受到傷害。消息傳出後,許多人為之動容。
狗 狗的強大母性讓不少網友讚歎,認為一般動物比人類更有愛心與良知。網友chunya說:「相較這隻偉大的狗狗,拋棄女嬰的狠心父母,實在是人類世界的一大 恥辱。」150iq也說:「人類並不是彼此最好的朋友,陪伴在身旁的動物其實反而更真誠的關心你。」甚至還有網友說:「不負責任的父母這麼多,還倒不如讓 一隻狗來照顧小孩。
所以 Yahoo 多了一則新聞評論
五大皆空科 -- 內科、外科、婦產科、小兒科和急診
A dog who saved an abandoned newborn baby in Ghana is being hailed as a hero.
According to the Ghana News Agency, the two-week-old baby girl was found under a bridge in Ghana's Bolgatanga district snuggled up next to her canine rescuer.
The two were discovered by a search party that had been convened by the dog's worried owner after the pooch had failed to return home.
"The dog was trying to protect the baby," Hannah Zemp-Tapang, the Ghana News Agency reporter who first reported the story, told The Huffington Post. "She's a female dog. It must be her mothering instinct."
Zemp-Tapang said the story of the hero dog was an "unusual" one, but it was also reminiscent of a local legend that began circulating "many, many years ago."
"Within my ethnic group, it is believed that one of our ancestors was protected that way. It is a legend that a baby was alone at home when one of the roofs set on fire. A dog in the house took the baby by its mouth and brought it to safety," she said.
The incident was brought to light by Madam Rosemary Azure, a district health director in Ghana. Azure brought the baby -- who is currently in the custody of a local health directorate -- with her to a ceremony celebrating the launch of two vaccines.
Note: The photo of a baby used by Ghana News Agency is not of the actual child who was rescued. Reporter Hannah Zemp-Tapang said a photo of the baby girl has yet to become available.