2012年3月6日 星期二

Plos one publish 格式

Plos one Link1 Link2

Export High Resolution Images from PyMol

To get a 300 ppi PNG file for a 4.92 inch by 9.25 inch image:


ray 3500,2500
png /Users/kevet/Desktop/ex.png, dpi=300

Enable the use of Arial in R

First, convert the Arial .ttf files to afm:

ttf2afm /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf > ~/arial.afm
ttf2afm /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/ariali.ttf > ~/ariali.afm
ttf2afm /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/arialbd.ttf > ~/arialbd.afm
ttf2afm /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/arialbi.ttf > ~/arialbi.afm

and then do the following in R:

postscript(file="try.ps", horizontal=F,
width=4, height=4,


1. 若無 ttf2afm, 先至 http://www.tug.org/mactex/2011/ 安裝 MacTex

2. Mac 路徑
a. Lee-Kevinteki-MacBook:Fonts kevet$ ls Arial*
Arial Black.ttf Arial Rounded Bold.ttf
Arial Narrow Bold Italic.ttf Arial Unicode.ttf
Arial Narrow Bold.ttf ArialHB.ttf
Arial Narrow Italic.ttf ArialHBBold.ttf
Arial Narrow.ttf
b. /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf

3. my commands:
ttf2afm /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf > /Users/kevet/Library/Fonts/Arial.afm
ttf2afm /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf > /Users/kevet/Library/Fonts/Ariali.afm
ttf2afm /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf > /Users/kevet/Library/Fonts/Arialbd.afm
ttf2afm /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf > /Users/kevet/Library/Fonts/Arialbi.afm

Macintosh OS X and PowerPoint 2008:

Step I: Convert PowerPoint File to PNG or PDF

  1. Go to PowerPoint Preferences. Under the Save tab, at the bottom, set Advanced Resolution Settings to 1600 DPI.
  2. File → Save As. In the Format pull-down menu, select either PNG or PDF. Save. Your PNG will be oversize at 72ppi, but will resize properly to 300ppi in Photoshop or GIMP. Your PDF will be the exact size of your PowerPoint slide at 300ppi. All other formats save as 72ppi no matter what you set in Preferences.

Step II: Convert Individual Files to TIFFs

In Photoshop:

  1. File→Open the PNG or PDF.
  2. Use the Crop Tool (fifth from the top of the toolbar) to select an area close to the borders of your image. Hit Enter to apply the crop.
  3. Layer→Flatten Image
  4. If you opened a PNG, go Image→Image Size. Uncheck the Resample Image checkbox. If the Width is over 17.35cm, type 17.35 in the Width box (17.35cm is our maximum allowable width for figures). The Resolution will go up automatically as the Width decreases. If the resolution does not hit 300 when you make the Width 17.35, type 300 in Resolution and as long as Width doesn't go below 8.3cm, everything is fine. Also, the height cannot be more than 23.35. If the Height and Width are within these prescribed limits, no adjustment to your figure size needs to be made.
  5. If you opened a PDF, go Image→Image Size and check to make sure the PDF is within our dimension limits. Resize it down to fit within these limits if need be.
  6. File→Save As. Save as TIFF, Image Compression set to LZW, Pixel Order set to Interleaved, Byte Order set to IBM PC.
