2012年3月12日 星期一

Delaunay tessellation

Delaunay Triangulation
1. Voronoi Diagrams (VD) , 又名 Dirichlet tessellations
2. Tessellation

ps. google key in "Voronoi Diagrams" 資料較多

Delaunay tessellation of proteins: four body nearest-neighbor propensities of amino acid residues
J Comput Biol. 1996

Delaunay tessellation is applied for the first time in the analysis of protein structure. By representing amino acid residues in protein chains by C alpha atoms, the protein is described as a set of points in three-dimensional space. Delaunay tessellation of a protein structure generates an aggregate of space-filling irregular tetrahedra, or Delaunay simplices. The vertices of each simplex define objectively four nearest neighbor C alpha atoms, i.e., four nearest-neighbor residues. A simplex classification scheme is introduced in which simplices are divided into five classes based on the relative positions of vertex residues in protein primary sequence. Statistical analysis of the residue composition of Delaunay simplices reveals nonrandom preferences for certain quadruplets of amino acids to be clustered together. This nonrandom preference may be used to develop a four-body potential that can be used in evaluating sequence-structure compatibility for the purpose of inverted structure prediction.

Related Link
0 易懂 Voronoi Diagram
1 ADCGALsrc0.01a.zip
2 Java 康乃爾大學
3 Matlab
4 iPad 的Voronoi Diagram

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Delaunay Tessellation protein key in here


This example shows how to use Mayavi in a purely algorithmic way, to compute a Delaunay from data points, extract it and pass it to network. It also shows how to plot a graph using quiver.
建構 3D 要看好此例 example

Delny 0.4.1

Python package to create N-dimensional Delaunay triangulations. It uses the libqhull library from the Qhull project for the triangulation so a proven algorithm is used.


Link 1

利用 port 安裝
sh-3.2# port install qhull
---> Computing dependencies for cmake
---> Fetching archive for cmake
---> Attempting to fetch cmake-2.8.7_0.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2 from http://packages.macports.org/cmake
---> Fetching cmake


