2012年3月8日 星期四

delphi 5.1

下載 delphi 5.1 準備在 mac 下 run


mms-MacBook-Air:Desktop mm$ ./delphi5.1
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/mm/Desktop/./delphi5.1
Reason: image not found

爬文後到 http://hpc.sourceforge.net/ 下載這檔案
gcc-lion.tar.gz, gfortran-lion.tar.gz (gfortran only), updated Feb 2012 (10.7 Lion only).

解壓後 找到 libgfortran.3.dylib
用 sudo su 權限 cp 到 /usr/local/lib/


sh-3.2# ./delphi5.1
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libquadmath.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/mm/Desktop/./delphi5.1
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

所以再找到這個檔案 cp 過去 即可


sh-3.2# ./delphi5.1

______ DelPhi V. 5 Release 1.0 __________
| |
| A program to solve the PB equation |
| in 3D, using non-linear form, incorporating |
| many dielectric regions, multisalt ionic |
| strength, different probe radii, periodic |
| and focussing boundary conditions, utilizing |
| stripped optimum successive over-relaxation |
| and an improved algorithm for mapping the |
| Mol. Surface to the finite-Difference grid |
| Recompiled on Linux and PC |
| August 2011, Maintained by Delphi |
| Development Team |
|____________ ____________|
DelPhi V. 5.1

Program started on 2012-03-08 at 23:50:02
parameter file fort.10 does not seem to exist.
Therefore stopping

網頁版 http://compbio.clemson.edu/sapp/delphi_webserver/userInput.html
