2012年5月18日 星期五

pymol 1.5 + pyETV plugin

sh-3.2# port install pymol @1.5
sh-3.2# pymol
 PyMOL(TM) Molecular Graphics System, Version
 Copyright (c) Schrodinger, LLC.
 All Rights Reserved.

    Created by Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.

    PyMOL is user-supported open-source software.  Although some versions
    are freely available, PyMOL is not in the public domain.

    If PyMOL is helpful in your work or study, then please volunteer
    support for our ongoing efforts to create open and affordable scientific
    software by purchasing a PyMOL Maintenance and/or Support subscription.

    More information can be found at "http://www.pymol.org".

    Enter "help" for a list of commands.
    Enter "help " for information on a specific command.

 Hit ESC anytime to toggle between text and graphics.

 Detected OpenGL version 2.0 or greater. Shaders available.
 Detected GLSL version 1.20.
 OpenGL graphics engine:
  GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
  GL_RENDERER: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine
  GL_VERSION: 2.1 NVIDIA-7.18.11
 Detected 2 CPU cores.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
 OpenGL quad-buffer stereo 3D detected and enabled.
 PyMOL: normal program termination.
