2012年5月26日 星期六


sh-3.2# port install py26-MMTK @2.7.4
--->  Computing dependencies for sqlite3
--->  Fetching archive for sqlite3
--->  Attempting to fetch sqlite3- from http://packages.macports.org/sqlite3
--->  Attempting to fetch sqlite3- from http://packages.macports.org/sqlite3
--->  Installing sqlite3 @
--->  Cleaning sqlite3
--->  Computing dependencies for sqlite3
--->  Deactivating sqlite3 @3.7.12_0
--->  Cleaning sqlite3
--->  Activating sqlite3 @
--->  Cleaning sqlite3
--->  Computing dependencies for py26-distribute
--->  Fetching archive for py26-distribute
--->  Attempting to fetch py26-distribute-0.6.27_0.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2 from http://packages.macports.org/py26-distribute
--->  Attempting to fetch py26-distribute-0.6.27_0.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from http://packages.macports.org/py26-distribute
--->  Installing py26-distribute @0.6.27_0
--->  Cleaning py26-distribute
--->  Computing dependencies for py26-distribute
--->  Deactivating py26-distribute @0.6.26_0
--->  Cleaning py26-distribute
--->  Activating py26-distribute @0.6.27_0
--->  Cleaning py26-distribute
--->  Computing dependencies for py26-MMTK
--->  Dependencies to be installed: py26-scientific
--->  Fetching distfiles for py26-scientific
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for py26-scientific
--->  Extracting py26-scientific
--->  Configuring py26-scientific
--->  Building py26-scientific
--->  Staging py26-scientific into destroot
--->  Installing py26-scientific @2.9.1_0
--->  Activating py26-scientific @2.9.1_0
--->  Cleaning py26-scientific
--->  Fetching archive for py26-MMTK
--->  Attempting to fetch py26-MMTK-2.7.4_1.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2 from http://packages.macports.org/py26-MMTK
--->  Fetching distfiles for py26-MMTK
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for py26-MMTK
--->  Extracting py26-MMTK
--->  Configuring py26-MMTK
--->  Building py26-MMTK
--->  Staging py26-MMTK into destroot
--->  Installing py26-MMTK @2.7.4_1
--->  Activating py26-MMTK @2.7.4_1
--->  Cleaning py26-MMTK
--->  Updating database of binaries: 100.0%
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
--->  No broken files found.

2012年5月18日 星期五


先進入 R

Lee-Kevinteki-MacBook:~ kevet$  R


> install.packages("ROCR", repos = "http://cran.csie.ntu.edu.tw")


> library(ROCR) 

Loading required package: gplots
Loading required package: gtools
Loading required package: gdata
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED.

gdata: read.xls support for 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files ENABLED.

Attaching package: ‘gdata’

The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:stats’:


The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:utils’:


Loading required package: caTools
Loading required package: bitops
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: KernSmooth
KernSmooth 2.23 loaded
Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009

Attaching package: ‘gplots’

The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:stats’:



題的時候,很多時候常利用 ROC  曲線(Receiver operating characteristic curve)來評估Ƕ
ROC 曲線為一個用來呈現篩檢試驗敏感度(sensitivity)及1-特異度(specificity)的圖形,
其中 X 軸為 1-特異度,又稱為偽陽性率(false positive),而 Y 軸為敏感度(ture positive) 

ROC 曲線在判別時,會以對角線為一個參考線,若是檢驗工具的 ROC 曲線剛
好落在對角的參考線上,則表示檢驗工具對於此疾病的診斷沒有鑑別性Ƕ若是 ROC

面積(Area Under Curve, AUC)來判別 ROC 曲線的鑑別力,AUC 數值的範圍從 0 到

1,數值愈大愈好Ƕ以下為 AUC 數值一般的判別規則如下: 
AUC = 0.5       幾乎沒有判別力( no discrimination) 
0.7ɩAUC < 0.8     可接受的判別力(acceptable discrimination) 
0.8ɩAUC < 0.9     好的判別力(excellent discrimination) 
AUC  ɪ0.9        非常好的判別力(outstanding discrimination)

pymol 1.5 + pyETV plugin

sh-3.2# port install pymol @1.5
sh-3.2# pymol
 PyMOL(TM) Molecular Graphics System, Version
 Copyright (c) Schrodinger, LLC.
 All Rights Reserved.

    Created by Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.

    PyMOL is user-supported open-source software.  Although some versions
    are freely available, PyMOL is not in the public domain.

    If PyMOL is helpful in your work or study, then please volunteer
    support for our ongoing efforts to create open and affordable scientific
    software by purchasing a PyMOL Maintenance and/or Support subscription.

    More information can be found at "http://www.pymol.org".

    Enter "help" for a list of commands.
    Enter "help " for information on a specific command.

 Hit ESC anytime to toggle between text and graphics.

 Detected OpenGL version 2.0 or greater. Shaders available.
 Detected GLSL version 1.20.
 OpenGL graphics engine:
  GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
  GL_RENDERER: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine
  GL_VERSION: 2.1 NVIDIA-7.18.11
 Detected 2 CPU cores.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
 OpenGL quad-buffer stereo 3D detected and enabled.
 PyMOL: normal program termination.

Deactivating and Activating python

--->  Deactivating python26 @2.6.7_3
--->  Cleaning python26
--->  Activating python26 @2.6.8_0

To make python 2.6 the default (i.e. the version you get when you run 'python'), please run:

sudo port select --set python python26

CE align

linux 下安裝   http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce/ce_align.html

Mac 下安裝  可用 port

因要讀取 scratch file 設定 path 給 ce

>> ce - 1a0j.pdb A  1ixe.pdb A /Users/kevet/scratch

Structure Alignment Calculator, version 1.02, last modified: Mar 13, 2003.

CE Algorithm, version 1.00, 1998.

Chain 1: 1a0j.pdb:A (Size=223)
Chain 2: 1ixe.pdb:A (Size=377)

Alignment length = 57 Rmsd = 5.93A Z-Score = 1.2 Gaps = 52(91.2%) CPU = 3s Sequence identities = 7.0%



     X2 = (-0.962516)*X1 + ( 0.270705)*Y1 + (-0.016798)*Z1 + (   14.622005)
     Y2 = (-0.195940)*X1 + (-0.651186)*Y1 + ( 0.733188)*Z1 + (   50.781464)
     Z2 = ( 0.187539)*X1 + ( 0.708996)*Y1 + ( 0.679819)*Z1 + (   89.564117)

Scwrl 4

protein 1BGA -> Q216D 
Try to test the Q216D will impede the neighbor same charged residue D289 to rotate its side chain.  

>> Scwrl4 -i D216_1bga.pdb -o 1bga_D216.pdb

Using parameters from /usr/local/bin/scwrl4/Scwrl4.ini

Using rotamer library: /usr/local/bin/scwrl4/bbDepRotLib.bin

Residue A 448  is being treated as C-terminal

Total number of subrotamer interactions = 7308602

Total number of subrotamer interactions = 0

Running Goldstein's DEE (version G)

Initial number of residues - 368
Initial number of rotamers - 4907

    1526 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 4

round 1:
    199 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 90
    Rotamers eliminated  -  3118

round 2:
    55 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 43
    Rotamers eliminated  -  489

round 3:
    28 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 15
    Rotamers eliminated  -  148

round 4:
    8 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 9
    Rotamers eliminated  -  36

round 5:
    2 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 5
    Rotamers eliminated  -  17

round 6:
    0 redundant edges eliminated

    Isolated residues removed - 0
    Rotamers eliminated  -  0
Energy accumulated during DEE = 305.91

Searching for clusters... 6 clusters found

Processing cluster of 4 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 1
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 1

Total combinations to search = 3.6e+1
   2        :   ->  312   3
   1(   2 ) :  312  ->  316
   0(   2 ) :    3  ->    1

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  2    MaxBag =  1    AvgBag = 2

Launching bottom-to-top process
    in intersections -   6
    in exclusions   -  103.2
    total to search  -  28

Maximal size of a key is 4 elements

Processing nodes ..
Number of combinations = 8

Energy of this cluster = 28.0031
Processing cluster of 186 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 36
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 8

Total combinations to search = 4.61771e+7
 149(  91 ) :  100  26 164 135 136 123  99  ->  117
 148(  33 ) :   14  26 143 140 102  ->  150 331
 147( 148 ) :   14  26 331 102 140  ->   15
 146( 147 ) :   14  15 331 140 102  ->  101
 145( 146 ) :   15 331 140 102 101  ->  323
 144(  37 ) :   68  81  17  22  85  ->   43  20
 143( 145 ) :  140 102 101 323  ->  137 138
 142( 149 ) :  100  26 117 164 136 123  99  ->   66
 141( 143 ) :  137 138 101 140 323  ->  288 239
 140(  32 ) :   81  17  47  50  85  ->   46
 139( 140 ) :   81  46  47  50  85  ->   84
 138( 141 ) :  239 137 288 101 323  ->   61
 137( 113 ) :  135 133  99 123 127  ->  174
 136( 100 ) :  100  26 117 110  66  ->  104
 135( 137 ) :  135 133 174  99 123  ->  124
 134(  62 ) :  164 135 136 203 204  ->  178
 133(  68 ) :  195 218 203 199 219  ->  216
 132( 144 ) :   68  81  22  43  20  ->   21
 131( 142 ) :  100 117  66  99 123  ->  120
 130( 141 ) :  239 288 138 140 323  ->  180
 129( 100 ) :  100 117 164 110 136  ->  162
 128(  28 ) :  143 203 155 219 251  ->  147
 127(  99 ) :   68  17  14  26  22  ->   65
 126(  51 ) :   82 133 123  99 130  ->   97
 125( 139 ) :   46  47  84  50  ->   88
 124(  32 ) :   43  47  20  50  ->   51
 123( 148 ) :  150 143 331 140  ->  144
 122(  28 ) :  195 218 155 251  ->  221
 121( 138 ) :  137 288 239  61  ->  287
 120( 127 ) :   14  26  22  65  ->   24
 119( 120 ) :   14  26  22  24  ->   27
 118( 135 ) :  135 133 174 124  ->  177
 117( 134 ) :  164 203 178 204  ->  163
 116( 118 ) :  133 174 124 177  ->  170
 115( 133 ) :  195 216 203 199  ->  198
 114( 121 ) :  137  61 287  ->   96
 113(  91 ) :   82 135 123  99  85  ->  133 127
 112( 114 ) :   61 287  96  ->  285 322
 111( 112 ) :  285  61 322  96  ->  132
 110(  51 ) :   82 127 130  85  ->   86
 109( 117 ) :  164 178 163 204  ->  208
 108( 130 ) :  239 288 180 323  ->  241
 107( 124 ) :   43  20  51  ->   44
 106( 107 ) :   44  43  51  ->  345
 105( 106 ) :   44  51 345  ->   45
 104( 105 ) :   45  51 345  ->  347
 103( 104 ) :  347  45  51  ->   48
 102( 103 ) :   48 347  51  ->   52
 101(  87 ) :  143 203 199 252 251  ->  195 218
 100( 142 ) :  100  26 117  66 164 136  ->  110
  99(  98 ) :   14  26  82  85  ->   68  17  22
  98(  85 ) :  100  26 143  82 140  85  ->   14
  97(  81 ) :  338  ->  289 306 309 305
  96( 120 ) :   14  26  65  24  ->  103
  95(  97 ) :  289 306 309 338  ->  321
  94( 115 ) :  216 203 198  ->  213
  93(  94 ) :  198 213  ->  202
  92(  93 ) :  202 213  ->  206
  91        :   ->  100  26  82 164 135 136 123  99  85
  90(  92 ) :  206 202  ->  280 279
  89( 133 ) :  195 218 216  ->  215
  88( 109 ) :  163 208  ->  231
  87(  62 ) :  143 203 140  ->  199 252 251
  86(  88 ) :  231  ->  160 227
  85(  91 ) :  100  26  82 164 136 135  85  ->  143 140
  84(  86 ) :  160 227  ->  225 112
  83( 123 ) :  150 331 144  ->  149
  82( 106 ) :   44  43 345  ->   41
  81( 102 ) :  347  52  ->  339 338
  80( 136 ) :   26 110 104  ->   25
  79(  80 ) :  110 104  25  ->  108
  78(  81 ) :   52 339 338  ->  353
  77(  97 ) :  306 305 338  ->  302
  76(  77 ) :  302 306 338  ->  352
  75( 111 ) :  132 285  96  ->  236
  74(  75 ) :  132 285 236  ->  320
  73(  74 ) :  285 320 236  ->  283
  72( 134 ) :  136 178 204  ->  139
  71(  76 ) :  302 352 338  ->  350
  70(  71 ) :  302 352 350  ->  299
  69(  70 ) :  302 350 299  ->  336
  68( 101 ) :  195 143 218 203 199 251  ->  219
  67(  69 ) :  336 350  ->  340 327
  66(  74 ) :  132 320 236  ->  176
  65( 114 ) :  137  61  96  ->   98
  64( 137 ) :  174 123 127  ->  125
  63(  64 ) :  125 174  ->  173
  62(  85 ) :  143 164 135 136 140  ->  203 204
  61(  63 ) :  125 173  ->  121 169
  60(  64 ) :  125 123 127  ->  126
  59(  60 ) :  126 127 123  ->   79
  58( 145 ) :   15 331 323  ->  330
  57(  59 ) :  126  79 127  ->   83
  56(  74 ) :  132 285 320  ->   10
  55(  95 ) :  289 309 321  ->  240
  54(  95 ) :  306 321 338  ->  356
  53( 110 ) :  130  86  ->   95
  52(  89 ) :  195 218  ->  253
  51( 113 ) :   82 133 123 127  99  85  ->  130
  50(  61 ) :  169  ->  172 168
  49(  50 ) :  172 168  ->  171
  48(  49 ) :  168 171  ->  232
  47(  90 ) :  202 279  ->  276
  46(  90 ) :  206 280  ->  210
  45(  84 ) :  160 227  ->  212
  44(  84 ) :  160 112  ->  161
  43( 140 ) :   17  46  ->   42
  42(  81 ) :  347 339  ->  326
  41(  42 ) :  347 326  ->   49
  40(  82 ) :   41 345  ->   40
  39(  67 ) :  336 340  ->  294
  38(  54 ) :  306  ->  355
  37(  99 ) :   68  17  22  82  85  ->   81
  36(  38 ) :  355  ->  365 367
  35(  56 ) :  132  10  ->   94
  34(  55 ) :  309 240  ->  243
  33(  98 ) :  100  14 143  26 140  ->  102
  32( 144 ) :   81  17  43  20  85  ->   47  50
  31(  22 ) :  311  ->  313 271
  30(  31 ) :  313 271  ->  317
  29(  30 ) :  271 317  ->  275
  28(  68 ) :  195 143 218 203 219 251  ->  155
  27(  29 ) :  275  ->  278 318
  26(  58 ) :  331 330  ->  332
  25(  26 ) :  332 331  ->  264
  24(  25 ) :  332 264  ->  335
  23(  24 ) :  332 335  ->   35
  22(  34 ) :  243  ->  269 311
  21(  22 ) :  269 243  ->  267
  20(  23 ) :   35 335  ->  334
  19(  20 ) :   35 334  ->   36
  18(  21 ) :  269 243  ->  272
  17( 130 ) :  180 140  ->  200
  16(  96 ) :   14  26  ->  329
  15(  18 ) :  243 272  ->  183
  14(  57 ) :   83  ->  129
  13( 131 ) :  120  ->   70
  12( 119 ) :   27  ->   23
  11(  79 ) :   25  ->  106
  10(  11 ) :  106  ->   28
   9(  46 ) :  206  ->  211
   8( 107 ) :   20  ->   19
   7( 102 ) :   51  ->   55
   6(  39 ) :  336  ->  292
   5(   6 ) :  292  ->  263
   4(  77 ) :  305  ->  262
   3(  36 ) :  365  ->  363
   2(  22 ) :  311  ->  268
   1(  54 ) :  356  ->  359
   0(  15 ) :  183  ->  184

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  4    MaxBag =  8    AvgBag = 4.33333

Launching bottom-to-top process
    in intersections - 2.6e+06
    in exclusions   -  53733.2
    total to search  - 4.2e+07

Maximal size of a key is 508032 elements

Processing nodes .....................................................................................................................................................
Number of combinations = 4.57229e+6

Energy of this cluster = 654.853

Processing cluster of 4 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 2
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 2

Total combinations to search = 1.2e+1
   1        :   ->  254 196 245
   0(   1 ) :  245  ->  244

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  1    MaxBag =  2    AvgBag = 2.5

Launching bottom-to-top process
    in intersections -   2
    in exclusions   -  23.2
    total to search  -   4

Maximal size of a key is 2 elements

Processing nodes .
Number of combinations = 8
Energy of this cluster = 8.94757

Processing cluster of 3 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 2
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 2

Total combinations to search = 4.8e+1
   0        :   ->  255 248 246

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  0    MaxBag =  2    AvgBag = 3 

Number of combinations = 4.8e+1

Energy of this cluster = 6.82758

Processing cluster of 3 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 2
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 2

Total combinations to search = 2.4e+1
   0        :   ->  351 298 297

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  0    MaxBag =  2    AvgBag = 3

Number of combinations = 2.4e+1

Energy of this cluster = 8.7144

Processing cluster of 2 vertices

Redundant nodes eliminated : 1
Tree-decomposition has been built. Width+1 = 1

Total combinations to search = 8
   0        :   ->  187 192

ArtPts =  0    MaxDegree =  0    MaxBag =  1    AvgBag = 2

Number of combinations = 8

Energy of this cluster = 4.51308

Total minimal energy of the graph = 1017.77
Deleting workspace.

真是落落長 ! 而且差很多 ~

2012年5月14日 星期一

my Mac ~/.bash_profile

# export LSCOLORS=gxfxbEaEBxxEhEhBaDaCaD
PS1="\$(date +%H:%M) \[\033[1;32m\]\u@\[\033[0m\h\[\033[0m\]\[\033[1;36m\]:\w\[\033[0m\]$"
alias ls="ls -GF"

# Your previous /Users/kevet/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/kevet/.bash_profile.macports-saved_2012-05-17_at_17:26:03

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2012-05-17_at_17:26:03: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/lib/gromacs/bin/:/usr/local/bin/scwrl4/:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.


Mac path  >> sudo vim /etc/paths


2012年5月6日 星期日

Mac f77


CSB Core Lab


ACCESS: Surface Accessibility 

Description (has some specifics for use in the CSB Core Lab)

DEFINE_S: Define Protein Secondary Structure



DDMP: Difference Distance Matrix Plot

2005.05.31 -- download the current version of ddmp from: http://roselab.jhu.edu/ddmp/.
Description (has some specifics for use in the CSB Core Lab)

OS: Occluded Surface and Packing Analysis

Description (has some specifics for use in the CSB Core Lab and is for version 6)

Version 72.2 uses SIMS for the dot surfacing and includes an expanded atom radii list.
Version 72.3 (April 9, 2003) contains a bugfix. It is available at http://www.csb.yale.edu/download/os/os_v72.3.tar.gz

VOLUME : Residue Voronoi Volumes

(Requires ACCESS above).
Description (has some specifics for use in the CSB Core Lab)

2012年5月5日 星期六

Natasha Bedingfield 新專輯 4.30



I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
我的青春任我天馬行空 沒人抓得住我的心思
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
生命還沒被定義 人生才剛開始 筆握在我的手中 結局如何還未定

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you can not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
沒有人 沒有人能可以
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
我挑戰傳統 有時我的限制 超越了界限
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
我們被限制 沒有犯錯的空間 但我無法這樣子生活

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you can not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
沒有人 沒有人能可以
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

2012年5月2日 星期三


明朝那點事 : 揭示政治



2012年5月1日 星期二

菜英文 (1)

"except" 後面可以接名詞、代名詞、動詞、副詞、介詞片語或子句,而 "except for" 僅能接名詞或代名詞。

在 all, any, every, no, none, anything, anybody, anyone, everything, everybody, everyone, nobody, nothing 等表示總括的不定代名詞之後,一般都用 "except" 而不用 "except for"。

except 用於表示同類事物之間的關係,而 except for 表示非同類事物進行比較。

"except for" 可置於句首,但 "except" 不行。

"except for" 在表示對整體大部分的肯定和對小部分的否定 -- 亦即包含大部分,除去小部分。

僅 "except for" 有「若非;要不是」的意思,"except" 並無此意思。