2012年8月1日 星期三

Mac ftp download only files

kevets-MacBook-Pro:~ kevet$ ftp ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/msd/pqs/
Connected to ftp.ebi.ac.uk.
220- ftp1.ebi.ac.uk FTP server
220- WARNING: please note that the private part of this ftp service
220- has been migrated to ftp-private.ebi.ac.uk on 3rd June 2010.
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
250 Directory successfully changed.
250 Directory successfully changed.
250 Directory successfully changed.
250 Directory successfully changed.

ftp> cd macmol
250 Directory successfully changed.

ftp> ls 1qp
1qp0.mmol    1qp9_2.mmol    1qpf_2.mmol    1qpl_2.mmol    1qpp.mmol    1qps.mmol    1qpy_4.mmol
1qp1.mmol    1qpa.mmol    1qpg.mmol    1qpn_1.mmol    1qpq_1.mmol    1qpv.mmol    1qpz.mmol
1qp4.mmol    1qpb.mmol    1qph.mmol    1qpn_2.mmol    1qpq_2.mmol    1qpw.mmol
1qp5.mmol    1qpc.mmol    1qpi.mmol    1qpn_3.mmol    1qpq_3.mmol    1qpx.mmol
1qp7.mmol    1qpd.mmol    1qpj.mmol    1qpo_1.mmol    1qpr_1.mmol    1qpy_1.mmol
1qp8.mmol    1qpe.mmol    1qpk.mmol    1qpo_2.mmol    1qpr_2.mmol    1qpy_2.mmol

1qp9_1.mmol    1qpf_1.mmol    1qpl_1.mmol    1qpo_3.mmol    1qpr_3.mmol    1qpy_3.mmol

ftp> get 1qpg.mmol
local: 1qpg.mmol remote: 1qpg.mmol
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||32324|)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 1qpg.mmol (442066 bytes).
100% |************************************************************************|   431 KiB  108.22 KiB/s    00:00 ETA
226 File send OK.
442066 bytes received in 00:04 (100.59 KiB/s)

Commonly used FTP commands:

ls: directory listing equivalent to dir.
ls -l: long directory listing, more detail.
pwd: display the name of current directory.
cd: change directory.
lcd: change the local current directory.
get: to download the file from the FTP server.
put: to transfer file and place it on the FTP server.
mget: to download multiple files from the FTP server.
mput: to transfer multiple files to the FTP server.
prompt: to turn on/off interactive mode.
binary: to turn on binary mode.
ascii: to turn on ascii mode.
delete: to turn a file on FTP server.
status: to display how the current FTP session is configured.
mkdir: to make directory on FTP server.
quit/close/bye/disconnect: to disconnect from the FTP server.
Note: All FTP commands are case sensitive and in lower case.
